The Grantchester Mysteries

Autor: Sidney Chambers / Persistence Of Love

Editora: Bloomsbury

Estante: Literatura Estrangeira

Ano: 2017

Encardenação: Brochura

Data de cadastro: 09/10/2022 13:15

ISBN: 9781632867957

Páginas: Não informado

Peso: 550.0 (gr)



R$ 38.00
R$ 8.31
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Descrição do livro

Cod. 27885623 / Cod. 490509 / LIVROS EM INGLÊS / Brochura / ISBN: 9781632867957 / obs: livro em inglês em ótimo estado de conservação / jpr / The sixth book in the James Runcies much-loved series, which has been adapted for Masterpieces Grantchester starring James Norton, sees full-time priest, part-time detective Sidney Chambers plunged back into sleuthing when he discovers a body in a bluebell wood. It is May 1971 and the Cambridgeshire countryside is bursting into summer. Attending to his paternal duties, Archdeacon Sidney Chambers is walking in the woods with his daughter Anna and their aging Labrador, Byron, when they stumble upon a body. Beside the dead man lies a basket of wild flowers, all poisonous. And so it is that Sidney is thrust into another murder investigation, entering a worl

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