Catching Air / a Novel

Autor: Sarah Pekkanen

Editora: Washington Square Press

Estante: Literatura Estrangeira

Ano: 2014

Encardenação: Brochura

Data de cadastro: 09/10/2022 14:15

ISBN: 9781451673531

Páginas: Não informado

Peso: 420.0 (gr)



R$ 25.00
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Descrição do livro

Cod. 27889037 / Cod. 502419 / LIVROS EM INGLÊS / Brochura / ISBN: 9781451673531 / OBS: LIVRO EM INGLÊS / EM ÓTIMO ESTADO DE CONSERVAÇÃO / CORTE DAS PÁGINAS LEVEMENTE AMARELADAS PELO TEMPO / COM PONTOS DE OXIDATIVO / JPR / Sinopse: A vibrant, compulsively readable novel about two married couples who pursue a dream to open a bed-and-breakfast in small-town Vermont, from the internationally bestselling author of Perfect Neighbors and The Wife Between Us. In her previous works including The Best of Us, ?rising star? (Library Journal) Sarah Pekkanen captivated readers by penning ?refreshingly introspective, sharply realistic, and tenderly humorous? novels (Booklist) that had readers ?flying through the pages? (Hoda Kotb, Today show). Now, in Catching Air, Pekkanen turns an unflinching eye on the tan

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