Cod. 27889565 / Cod. 505033 / LIVROS EM INGLÊS / Brochura / ISBN: 1400033640 / obs: livro pequeno em Inglês, em ótimo estado de conservação / com páginas e corte das páginas um pouco amareladas pelo tempo / jpr / Sinopse: With its sinister humor and genius plotting, Ripleys Game is an enduring portrait of a compulsive, sociopathic American antihero. Living on his posh French estate with his elegant heiress wife, Tom Ripley, on the cusp of middle age, is no longer the striving comer of The Talented Mr. Ripley. Having accrued considerable wealth through a long career of crime―forgery, extortion, serial murder―Ripley still finds his appetite unquenched and longs to get back in the game. In Ripleys Game, first published in 1974, Patricia Highsmiths classic chameleon relishes the opp