Ielts Trainer / Six Practice Tests With Answers / Cambridge English

Autor: Louise Hashemi / Barbara Thomas

Editora: Cambridge University Press

Estante: Ensino de Idiomas

Ano: 2014

Encardenação: Brochura

Data de cadastro: 09/10/2022 16:06

ISBN: 9780521128209

Páginas: Não informado

Peso: 850.0 (gr)



R$ 170.00
R$ 10.76
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Descrição do livro

Cod. 27895408 / Cod. 519536 / Gramatica em outros idiomas / Brochura / ISBN: 9780521128209 / obs: livro em ótimo estado de conservação / páginas levemente amareladas pelo tempo / acompanha 03 cds áudio / Sinopse: Six full practice tests plus easy-to-follow expert guidance and exam tips designed to guarantee exam success. As well as six full practice tests, IELTS Trainer offers easy-to-follow expert guidance and exam tips designed to guarantee exam success. The first two tests are fully guided with step-by-step advice on how to tackle each paper. Extra practice activities, informed by the Cambridge Learner Corpus, a bank of real candidates exam papers, focus on areas where students typically need most help. This with answers edition includes audio CDs featuring all the listening activities f

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