Eleanor and The Marquis

Autor: Jane Wilby

Editora: Mills & Boon Limited

Estante: Literatura Estrangeira

Ano: 1977

Encardenação: Brochura

Data de cadastro: 08/10/2022 23:24

ISBN: 0263724158

Páginas: Não informado

Peso: 222.0 (gr)



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Descrição do livro

Cod. 27878351 / Cod. 451673 / LIVROS EM INGLÊS / Brochura / ISBN: 0263724158 / OBS: LIVRO PEQUENO EM INGLES / COM PÁGINAS E CORTE DAS PÁGINAS AMARELADOS PELO TEMPO / EM BOM ESTADO DE CONSERVAÇÃO / "I wont marry anyone... no one but Hugh!" Beatrix was determined, but so was her father. With her impoverished cousin Eleanor Sherburn, Beatrix Doynsby was shipped off to London where her blond beauty would surely get her a suitable husband. But her aunt, the Dowager Duchess, plotting to make Eleanor, not Beatrix, the Seasons Rage, asked the aid of her arrogant nephew, the Marquis of Trouvaine. And the Marquis was willing ... but, in the end, would he destroy Eleanor as he had all the others? Or had he finally met his match?

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