Ultrasound Diagnosis Of Breasat Diseases

Autor: Eriko Tohno / David O. Cosgrove / John P. Sloane

Editora: Churchill Livingstone

Estante: Medicina e Saúde

Ano: 1994

Encardenação: Brochura

Data de cadastro: 09/10/2022 12:17

ISBN: 0443043876

Páginas: Não informado

Peso: 1280.0 (gr)



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Descrição do livro

Cod. 27882288 / Cod. 476377 / Medicina Humana / Brochura / ISBN: 0443043876 / OBS: LIVRO GRANDE EM BOM ESTADO / FOLHA DE ROSTO COM MARCAS POR ESTAR COLADA POR UMIDADE A OUTRA PÁGINA / LIVRO EM INGLES / JPR / A large format volume on the use of ultrasound in breast diagnosis. This is a definitive, comprehensive text/atlas based on high-resolution real-time scanning.After many years of controversy, hand-held real-time scanners have emerged as the primary modality for breast imaging - they are flexible and reliable and also particularly appropriate for certain situations, eg young or pregnant patients. Ultrasound for diagnosis of breast disease is now widely available, and this timely book is intended as a definitive guide to the field. Essential clinical features are described in each section of t

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