Cod. 27889837 / Cod. 506039 / Gramatica em outros idiomas / Brochura / ISBN: 0582363306 / obs: livro em bom estado de conservação / com páginas e corte das páginas amareladas pelo tempo e com a maior parte dos exercícios respondidos à lápis / com marca de dobradura nas capas / com marcações a lápis na parte interna das capas / jpr / Sinopse: The Language Booster is a flexible resource which offers self-access material for students in a wide range of teaching situations. It is not necessary for students to work through all the material, although they can do so if they wish It provides substantial remedial work for slower learners, whilst challenging the more ableThe Language Booster is divided into two parts: WORKBOOK Gives practice in Grammar, Vocabulary, Communication, Reading and Writing Has