Cod. 27872529 / Cod. 404515 / Economia, Administracao e Contabilidade / Capa Dura / ISBN: 978-07-4328-852-1 / OBS: LIVRO EM INGLES, EM ÓTIMO ESTADO DE CONSERVAÇÃO. THE ESSENTIAL STEP IN HELPING PEOPLE IMPROVE PERFOMANCE. FOREWORD BY PETER SENGE. The Managerial Moment of Truth explains a powerful new concept that can dramatically improve performance and increase productivity, at no cost, in virtually any company or organization. Developed by organizational consultant and bestselling author Robert Fritz and proven in practice by coauthor Bruce Bodaken, the chairman, president, and CEO of Blue Shield of California, the book provides a dynamic technique to help people face up to reality and confront the truth in order to correct mistakes, learn from past performance, and adjust processes to build a