
Banda/Artista: Cher Live In Concert

Gravadora: Dvd Video / Warner Music

Gênero: Outros Assuntos

Ano: 1999

Data de cadastro: 17/09/2022 18:15

ISSN: Não informado

Peso: 300.0 (gr)



R$ 20.00
R$ 6.55
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Descrição do produto

Cod. 27788118 / OBS : MÍDIA E ENCARTE EM ÓTIMO ESTADO DE CONSERVAÇÃO / JO / Track listing "I Still Haven''t Found What I''m Looking For" "All or Nothing" "The Power" "We All Sleep Alone" "I Found Someone" "The Way of Love" "Half-Breed" "Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves" "Dark Lady" "Take Me Home" "After All" "Walking in Memphis" "Just Like Jesse James" "The Shoop Shoop Song (It''s in His Kiss)" "Dov''è L''Amore" "Strong Enough" "If I Could Turn Back Time" "Believe"Promotional videoThe music video of "All or Nothing" was released by Warner Bros. Records to promote the DVD. This video is a montage of a newly recorded performance of the song (with straight red wig) and clips of various other performances from the DVD recorded at the MGM, but the audio is the "All or Nothing" (Metro Radio Mix).

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Travessa Nestor de Castro, 235-Centro
(041) 3222-0410/3324-1847
Horário de atendimento Seg. a Sex 09:30h as 19:00h - Sábado 09:30 às 13:00
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