Cod. 28008672 /
OBS:midía e encarte em muito bom estado / com pequenas sinais superficiais em seu lado anterior. cd imporatdo(usa)GLFaixas: 1 Rock And Roll, Pt. 2Written-By - Gary Glitter, Mike Leander3:292 Falling Out 3:213 Fatso Nero 4:414 Stand Up 2:405 O.C. Life 2:576 Johnny''s Got A Problem 2:587 Tragedy Again 2:268 Chiva 2:029 Stick To Your Guns 2:5410 Richard Hung Himself 3:4111 Guns 2:2712 Imminent War 1:3413 Sinning Artist Max 3:0314 Hang 10 In East Berlin 2:3515 Venus De Milo 3:0516 Backseat Driver 1:4717 Dying In The U.S.A. 3:4618 Youth In Asia 3:27