Roger Waters

Banda/Artista: The Pros and Cons Of Hitch Hiking

Gravadora: Sony Music

Gênero: Clássicos

Ano: 1984

Data de cadastro: 17/09/2022 15:15

ISSN: Não informado

Peso: 300.0 (gr)



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Descrição do produto

Cod. 27779700 / OBS: MÍDIA E ENCARTE EM MUITO BOM ESTADO DE CONSERVAÇÃO / MÍDIA COM VÁRIOS RISCOS SUPERFICIAIS / R.N /LISTA DE FAIXAS:1. "4:30 am (Apparently They Were Travelling Abroad)" 3:122. "4:33 am (Running Shoes)" 4:083. "4:37 am (Arabs with Knives and West German Skies)" 2:174. "4:39 am (For the First Time Today, Part 2)" 2:025. "4:41 am (Sexual Revolution)" 4:496. "4:47 am (The Remains of Our Love)" 3:09Side twoNo. Title Length1. "4:50 am (Go Fishing)" 6:592. "4:56 am (For the First Time Today, Part 1)" 1:383. "4:58 am (Dunroamin, Duncarin, Dunlivin)" 3:034. "5:01 am (The Pros and Cons of Hitch Hiking, Part 10)" 4:365. "5:06 am (Every Stranger''s Eyes)" 4:486. "5:11 am (The Moment of Clarity)" 1:28

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