
Banda/Artista: Sacred Sojourn / The Chariot / Volume 2 / Importado (usa)

Gravadora: Anyah

Gênero: New Age

Ano: 2015

Data de cadastro: 17/09/2022 17:48

ISSN: Não informado

Peso: 300.0 (gr)



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Descrição do produto

Cod. 27786781 / OBS:Importado (usa) / mídia e encarte em muito bom estado de conservação / r.n /faixas:SACRED SOJOURNThe Chariot ? Volume IIby AnyahFilled with unique and meaningful musical experiences, this album/CD helps one to remember a long-forgotten part of the human experience that brings all people together who are engaged in Divine Sacred Sojourns. With the powerful energy words that Moses and Miriam used in the journey out of Egypt, inspirational musical vibrations and sacred expressions are experienced from around the world, to help us prepare us for the changing of the garments into the Garments of Living Light leading to contact with the Angelic Hosts. This CD has a powerful musical score that gives life to the expressions in our books, The Seventy-Two Living Divine Names of the Most High and The Overself Awakening in preparing for contact with positive Cosmic Intelligence!Sacred Sojourn track list 1. Cherubim Etz H Chayim [ 05:04 ] 2. Wen Day Ya Ho [ 04:31 ] 3. Yaowe Mishika [ 02:57 ] 4. Shirat Ha Yam [ 04:44 ] 5. Siru YHWH Adonai [ 04:38 ] 6. PHOWA [ 03:46 ] 7. May Peace Prevail on Earth [ 08:23 ] 8. Hunab Khu ? Yaxche Yah [ )6:32 ] 9. Ruach Toviyahu [ 06:04 ] 10. Sacred Sojourn [ 08:41 ]

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