The Beatles

Banda/Artista: On Air / Live At The Bbc / Volume 2 / Cd Duplo

Gravadora: Apple Corps / Emi Records

Gênero: Clássicos

Ano: 1994

Data de cadastro: 17/09/2022 15:17

ISSN: Não informado

Peso: 300.0 (gr)



R$ 70.00
R$ 6.55
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Descrição do produto

Cod. 27779787 / obs: mídia e encarte em bom estado de conservação / mídias com sinais superficiais pelo manuseio na embalagem: digipack / jpr Faixas:1-1 And Here We Are AgainProducer ? Terry Henebery1-2 Words Of LoveProducer ? Terry HeneberyWritten-By ? Holly*1-3 How About It, Gorgeous?Producer ? Terry Henebery1-4 Do You Want To Know A Secret?Producer ? Terry HeneberyWritten-By ? Lennon-McCartney1-5 LucilleProducer ? Ian Grant (3)Written-By ? Collins*, Penniman*1-6 Hey, Paul...Producer ? Terry Henebery1-7 Anna (Go To Him)Producer ? Ian Grant (3)Written-By ? Arthur Alexander1-8 Hello!Producer ? Ian Grant (3)1-9 Please Please MeProducer ? Ian Grant (3)Written-By ? Lennon-McCartney1-10 MiseryProducer ? Peter PilbeamWritten-By ? Lennon-McCartney1-11 I''m Talking About YouProducer ? Bernie Andrews, Jimmy Grant (4)Written-By ? Berry*1-12 A Real TreatProducer ? Terry Henebery1-13 BoysProducer ? Terry HeneberyWritten-By ? Dixon*, Farell*1-14 Absolutely FabProducer ? Terry Henebery1-15 ChainsProducer ? Terry HeneberyWritten-By ? Goffin-King*1-16 Ask Me WhyProducer ? Ian Grant (3)Written-By ? Lennon-McCartney1-17 Till There Was YouProducer ? Terry HeneberyWritten-By ? Willson*1-18 Lend Me Your CombExecutive Producer ? Terry HeneberyWritten-By ? Weisman*, Wise*, Twomey*1-19 Lower 5EProducer ? Ian Grant (3)1-20 The Hippy Hippy ShakeProducer ? Ian Grant (3)Written-By ? Romero*1-21 Roll Over BeethovenProducer ? Ian Grant (3)Written-By ? Berry*1-22 There''s A PlaceProducer ? Ian Grant (3)Written-By ? Lennon-McCartney1-23 Bumper BundleProducer ? Terry Henebery1-24 P.S. I Love YouProducer ? Terry HeneberyWritten-By ? Lennon-McCartney1-25 Please Mister PostmanProducer ? Terry HeneberyWritten-By ? Holland*, Dobbins*, Bateman*, Garrett*1-26 Beautiful DreamerProducer ? Jimmy Grant (4)Written-By ? Goffin*, Keller*, Foster*1-27 Devil In Her HeartProducer ? Ian Grant (3)Written-By ? Richard Drapkin1-28 The 49 WeeksProducer ? Ian Grant (3)1-29 Sure To Fall (In Love With You)Producer ? Ian Grant (3)Written-By ? Cantrell*, Perkins*, Claunch*1-30 Never Mind, Eh?Producer ? Ian Grant (3)1-31 Twist And ShoutProducer ? Terry HeneberyWritten-By ? Russell*, Medley*1-32 Bye, ByeProducer ? Ian Grant (3) Extra Interview Tracks 1-33 John - Pop ProfileProducer ? Pete Dauncey1-34 George - Pop ProfileProducer ? Pete Dauncey2-1 I Saw Her Standing ThereProducer ? Bernie AndrewsWritten-By ? Lennon-McCartney2-2 Glad All OverProducer ? Bernie AndrewsWritten-By ? Schroeder*, Bennett*, Tepper*2-3 Lift Lid AgainProducer ? Bernie Andrews2-4 I''ll Get YouProducer ? Bernie AndrewsWritten-By ? Lennon-McCartney2-5 She Loves YouProducer ? Bernie AndrewsWritten-By ? Lennon-McCartney2-6 Memphis, TennesseeProducer ? Bernie AndrewsWritten-By ? Chuck Berry2-7 Happy Birthday Dear Saturday ClubProducer ? Bernie Andrews2-8 Now Hush, HushProducer ? Ron Belchier2-9 From Me To YouProducer ? Ron BelchierWritten-By ? Lennon-McCartney2-10 Money (That''s What I Want)Written-By ? Gordy*, Bradford*2-11 I Want To Hold Your HandProducer ? Bryant MarriottWritten-By ? Lennon-McCartney2-12 Brian BathtubesProducer ? Bernie Andrews2-13 This BoyProducer ? Bernie AndrewsWritten-By ? Lennon-McCartney2-14 If I Wasn''t In AmericaProducer ? Bernie Andrews2-15 I Got A WomanProducer ? Bernie AndrewsWritten-By ? Charles*, Richard*2-16 Long Tall SallyProducer ? Bernie AndrewsWritten-By ? Johnson*, Penniman*, Blackwell*2-17 If I FellProducer ? Bernie AndrewsWritten-By ? Lennon-McCartney2-18 A Hard Job Writing TeamProducer ? Bernie Andrews2-19 And I Love HerProducer ? Bernie AndrewsWritten-By ? Lennon-McCartney2-20 Oh, Can''t We? Yes We CanProducer ? Bryant Marriott2-21 You Can''t Do ThatProducer ? Bernie AndrewsWritten-By ? Lennon-McCartney2-22 Honey Don''tProducer ? Bernie AndrewsWritten-By ? Perkins*2-23 I''ll Follow The SunProducer ? Bernie AndrewsWritten-By ? Lennon-McCartney2-24 Green With Black ShuttersProducer ? Pete Dauncey2-25 Kansas City/Hey-Hey-Hey-Hey!Producer ? Brian Willey, Jimmy Grant (4)Written-By ? Leiber-Stoller*, Penniman*2-26 That''s What We''re Here ForProducer ? Bernie Andrews2-27 I Feel Fine (Studio Outtake)Producer ? Bernie AndrewsWritten-By ? Lennon-McCartney Extra Interview Tracks 2-28 Paul - Pop ProfileProducer ? Pete Dauncey2-29 Ringo - Pop ProfileProducer ? Pete Dauncey

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