The Russian Patriarchate Choir / Anatoly Grindenko

Banda/Artista: Kiev Monastery Vigil / Importado France

Gravadora: London & Polygram

Gênero: Gospel

Ano: 2000

Data de cadastro: 17/09/2022 16:41

ISSN: Não informado

Peso: 300.0 (gr)



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Descrição do produto

Cod. 27783672 / obs:importado france / mídia e encarte em estado regular de conservação / mídia com sinais superficiais e com parte na superfície com parte de papel colado / encarte interno com desgaste por conta de umidade e colado / r.n / faixas:1 Opening Blessing 2:222 Opening Vespers Psalm 6:253 Great Litany (Of Peace) 3:134 Kathisma 5:475 Little Litany 1:276 Lucernarium Psalms 2:487 Stikhera Of The Protecting Veil 3:228 Evening Hymn To Christ 2:049 Vespers Prokimenon 2:1010 Vespers Prayer ''Grant, Lord'' 2:1711 Insistent Litany 3:5712 Litia Stikhera Of The Protecting Veil 2:5613 Canticle Of Symeon 2:0714 Troparion ''God-bearer And Virgin'' 0:5915 Troparion Of The Protecting Veil 0:4616 Psalm Verse And Final Vespers Blessing 1:1217 Festal Matins Invitatory 2:1118 Polyelos 3:3019 Megalinarion Of The Protecting Veil 1:3220 Evloghitaria Of The Resurrection 4:4721 First Gradual Antiphon 2:0322 Prokimenon Of The Resurrection 1:4223 Heirmos Of The Canon Of The Resurrection, Ode 6 0:4324 Catavasia Of The Same Ode 0:3225 Kondakion Of The Protecting Veil 1:5526 Holy Is The Lord Our God 0:5227 Lauds 4:2228 Stikhera Of The Resurrection 1:0529 Great Doxlogy (With Trisagion Hymn) 7:4030 Troparion Of The Resurrection 0:59

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