Brazilian Tropical Orchestra / The Soho Strings / Tye Mamas and The Papas / Outros

Banda/Artista: Globo Collection Ii / The Beatles Favourites

Gravadora: Movieplay

Gênero: Clássicos

Ano: 1996

Data de cadastro: 17/09/2022 16:08

ISSN: Não informado

Peso: 300.0 (gr)



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Descrição do produto

Cod. 27782065 / Obs: Mídia e encarte em muito bom estado de conservação / L.t / LISTA DE FAIXAS:01 - and i love her (brazilian tropical orchestra); 02 - let it be (the soho strings); 03 - i call your name (the mamas and the papas); 04 - all you need is love (the strings of paris); 05 - here, there and everywhere (brazilian tropical orchestra); 06 - day tripper (jimi hendrix); 07 - penny lane (the mike sceptre singers); 08 - help! (brazilian tropical orchestra); 09 - you won''t see me (the bee gees); 10 - hey jude (the strings of paris with django williams); 11 - with a little help from my friends (the london starlight orchestra); 12 - the long and winding road (dennis brown); 13 - ticket to ride (brazilian tropical orchestra); 14 - michelle (the mike sceptre singers).

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