
Banda/Artista: Garden Of The Beloved / Music From The World Of Osho / Cd Importado ( Germany )

Gravadora: New Earth Records

Gênero: New Age

Ano: 1995

Data de cadastro: 17/09/2022 16:31

ISSN: Não informado

Peso: 300.0 (gr)



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Descrição do produto

Cod. 27783171 / OBS: CD IMPORTADO ( GERMANY ) / MÍDIA E ENCARTE EM MUITO BOM ESTADO DE CONSERVAÇÃO / MÍDIA COM SINAIS SUPERFICIAIS / R.N /Product DescriptionGifted musicians from around the world, who found creative inspiration in this unique setting, have integrated musical traditions with the fresh breeze of Osho''s vision. Pioneers in the New Age Music field joined with classically trained artists, rock and jazz instrumentalists and musicians from diverse folk traditions to create a remarkable synthesis that stands in a category of its own.About the ArtistMilarepa, Joshua, Rupesh, Kamal, AmareeshOsho is a mystic who brings the timeless wisdom of the East to bear on the urgent questions facing men and women today. He speaks of the search for harmony and wholeness that lies at the core of all religious and spiritual traditions, illuminating the essence of Christianity, Hassidism, Buddhism, Sufism, Tantra, Tao, Yoga and Zen.

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